Let Me Consume Hope
Do you know that phrase? You are what you eat. Usually people say it in favor of some diet culture bullshit. You ate the French fries instead of a salad. You are what you eat, you know. Lately, that phrase has been spinning around the hamster wheel of my thoughts flashing like a neon sign.
You are what you eat.
You become what you consume.
And while I don't think anyone is a French fry or a salad for that matter, I do think this phrase has some truth to it.
I've never made it a secret that I struggle with depression, or more accurately, that it kicks my ass on the regular and I'm just too stubborn and spiteful to quit coming back. But lately, it's felt like that familiar demon of the dark thoughts has had more teeth than usual. My social feeds are flooded with pleas for help and outrage and sorrow. The realities of a world that is choking on its own existence. All of it feeding right into my own personal fears and traumas.
It's hard to tell the bad thoughts, to shut the hell up when they aren't entirely wrong about how awful everything is, how awful it has been for a long time. At this point, you're probably expecting something about choosing Joy or some other toxic positivity shit. This isn't that. There are awful and terrible things happening right now, and turning a blind eye to them won't make it better, but we become what we consume.
I want to consume hope.
I don't want to sit here and pretend like everything is okay. Like my friends and my neighbors and the people I love and myself aren't drowning in a flailing societal construct that's being run by men obsessed with the numbers and their bank accounts. But I want to believe that there is hope. Like Pandora's box, I suppose. If I must face the terrible things. Let me also have hope. Let me eat hope. Let it be what sustains me. Let me consume it so much that it becomes what I am. Everything is awful.
But I'm still here. And so are you. And every day we exist there is another day of hope.Hope for change. Hope for triumph. For justice. Real justice. If they want us to burn, let us burn. With the brightest conviction and light. The way for a brighter future. With hope.
The Hope star pattern is available for purchase on our sibling site learnshuttletatting.com